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Images from Naja Munthe's trip to India with Plan International, 2013. Photo: Signe Vilstrup.

"Practice what you preach or change your speech."

"Recently I received a phonecall from Greenpeace, asking if I wanted to support their association. I had to ask the guy to please check his information a second time, because I have been supporting Greenpeace with a fixed monthly donation for more than 30 years.”

So explains founder and Creative Director of MUNTHE, Naja Munthe, proving the fact that social responsibility and CSR starts as a key issue of ownership and management.

Taking responsibility for the environment is not a new phenomenon, but fortunately in recent years it has become a benchmark for more and more companies. The fashion industry in particular has become very focused on the importance of working with sustainable materials and thus creating a more sustainable production chain.
But as the environment needs a caring hand and the will to make the necessary changes, so do many people.

the vulnerable, the persecuted, minorities and children without a chance to influence their own lives, are in need of some of the profit that the rest of us can mobilize and pass on.

Images from Naja Munthe's trip to India with Plan International, 2013. Photo: Signe Vilstrup.

All research and practical experience indicates that investments in social issues has positive effects within the company, benefitting both business and employee well-being.

“As a business owner, it is obviously important for me to run a healthy business, but it is almost as important to take co-responsibility and give something back. That way, I can help make a difference and contribute to the most vulnerable in our society."

Red Cross - Club 10 Ambassadors, 2015

Børnehjælpsdagen - Naja and two lucky confirmands.


  • Greenpeace - Monthly donations since 1989
  • UNICEF - Monthly donations since 2001
  • Red Cross - Annual donations since 2001
  • Red Cross - THINK Recycling Fashion Show 2012 - all proceeds went to Red Cross
  • Red Cross - Club 10 Ambassador since 2015
  • Danish Cancer Society - the fight against breast cancer - sale of t-shirt and charity show in 2002
  • PLAN International - sale of clothing supporting 10 - 12 children for 10 years. Subsequently a fixed monthly donation for 3 children every month since 2005
  • Plan International - "Because I am a Girl" - jacket made in collaboration with ELLE in 2013 for the benefit of empowering young Indian seamstresses to become self-sufficient and become an integral part of their work organization - with health insurance, health checks, pensions, scholarships etc.
  • Mødrehjælpen (The Danish Mothers' Help): Sale of private wardrobe in support of Christmas help for vulnerable children - in 2016 and 2020
  • Red Barnet (Save the Children): Charity show in 2009
  • Danmarks Indsamling (clothing auction) in 2008
  • Børnehjælpsdagen (Child Welfare Day) - Confirmation clothes for girls living outside of their homes, in 2017
  • Nominated for the Copenhagen Business Award in 2017 - on the grounds: "The company is an example of how business and sustainability can go hand in hand by making a stand and caring for society"
  • Danish Women's Society: T-shirt sold in connection with the International Women's Day in 2020 and 2021

Jacket made in collaboration with ELLE. All proceeds went to Plan International.

Left: Jacket made in collaboration with ELLE. All proceeds went to Plan International.
Right: MUNTHE campaign shoot in connection with Danish Cancer Society – The Fight against Breast Cancer, 2002.

MUNTHE campaign shoot in connection with Danish Cancer Society – The Fight against Breast Cancer, 2002.

Red Cross - THINK Recycling Fashion Show, 2012. Unique styles produced from surplus materials. All proceeds went to Red Cross.